Dissertation Topics In Epidemiology: Top 25 Unique Ideas

Writing a dissertation in epidemiology is a vital step that will allow you to get your degree. Although it often is considered as the hardest academic assignment, you can make it a bit easier if you select a manageable topic and consult your instructor when you have questions.

Choosing a Manageable Epidemiology Dissertation Topic: Some Tips

You should pay special attention to what data you will have to collect to cover a chosen topic. Sometimes, you won’t be able to complete all the necessary tests and analyze their results because of the time constraints. It is also recommended that you think about research methods that will help you obtain the meaningful results. If you aren’t familiar with them, you should ensure that you will have enough time to learn how to apply them properly.

Composing Your Dissertation Topic: Sample Ideas to Get Inspired

You can come up with your own dissertation idea or use one of unique sample ideas from the list below:

  1. The pros and cons of early vaccination in developing countries.
  2. Effectiveness of different types of vaccines in preventing measles.
  3. Incidence and risk factors of influenza among students in Germany.
  4. The health benefits versus possible risks of breastfeeding: effects on a child’s immune system.
  5. Developing an optimal vaccination plan in tropical Africa.
  6. The effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy in reducing tuberculosis spreading in Asian countries.
  7. The relationship between sexual practices and HIV transmission risks.
  8. Viral infections and behavioral risk factors among the poor in Southern Asia.
  9. The causes and a typical treatment plan for common bacterial infections in big cities.
  10. The symptoms and main causes of a bladder infection.
  11. Migration and involved epidemiological risks for the local population in Europe.
  12. Factors influencing the spread of Ebola in the 2010s.
  13. HIV infection in rural areas in Southeastern Asia.
  14. The infection potential transmission routes.
  15. Useful techniques to prevent infections from being passed in the office.
  16. How organizational context drives performance of healthcare quality in Scandinavian countries.
  17. Survival and morbidity rates among children with weakened immune system in case of infection.
  18. The key findings of the functioning of a human immune system in the 20th century.
  19. How the newest anti-infective drugs work.
  20. The top infectious diseases in the 1990s as compared to 2010s.
  21. The history of global epidemics and their consequences.
  22. How to study the occurrences of infections in the past.
  23. The ways to improve the performance of an infectious disease team.
  24. The role of infection disease control organizations in preventing epidemics.
  25. How mathematical modeling helps inform people about the current epidemiological situation.