Writing A Dissertation Proposal In Geography: General Guidelines

If you need to write a dissertation proposal for geography then the good news, perhaps, is that most subjects will follow a relatively similar essay structures when writing this form of academic paper. Therefore, it can be useful to look at a wide range of different samples to help you when writing the work.

For example, you can look for samples that you find related to geography; however, you can also look for other relevant samples, so as to give you a better understanding of how to structure and generally write the work. Of course, geography samples can give you far more inspiration, such as what titles and content you can write about; nevertheless, it can sometimes still be useful simply to see how a good essay is written, no matter what the subject is.

Whether you are happy to search for any relevant samples, or you want to concentrate your search on essays relating to geography, the following points explain a range of different guidelines that you might wish to consider when writing your work.

  • Planning is essential
  • It is crucial that you plan the work before you start trying to write anything. Ultimately, you should try and establish what different sections should be included in your dissertation, as well as potentially what you might want to write about in individual paragraphs - although, planning each and every paragraph isn’t quite so crucial, but can be helpful.

    You should also try and develop a realistic timeframe that you can follow, as this will make it much easier to stick to any deadlines.

  • Carrying out the research
  • Once you have planned the work, you should start the research. This will provide you with a great deal of information and facts, which you can then use to write your paper. In fact, it will be virtually impossible to produce a high quality piece of work without carrying out a substantial amount of research.

  • Writing and checking the work
  • When it comes to actually writing the work, you should be prepared to write multiple drafts, until you are satisfied with what has been written. Once you are happy, you will then be required to proofread and edit what you have written, as this will help to remove any mistakes relating to the spelling and grammar. Alternatively, you might consider the possibility of paying a professional to do this for you.
